Visual Math Karate App
While we don’t offer a formal Singapore Math Pre K curriculum, we highly recommend an engaging app that will help PreK learners develop the ability to subitize. The app is called Visual Math Karate. It contains 11 activities and games that are designed specifically to develop subitizing ability, long-lasting fact fluency skills and eventually “break” children’s habit of over-relying on counting fingers.
Through activities and games, children learn a variety of strategies that will help them visualize, classify, compose, decompose, compare, add & subtract numbers. Acquiring these strategies are crucial for developing deep understanding of numbers, number sense, and the ability to fluently engage in all arithmetic operations.
The activities start with the use of ten frames to visualize numbers within 20 and continue with decomposing and composing numbers to find sums and differences. These activities lay the foundation for understanding base-ten numbers and the place value system. The app is a great resource in Singapore Math PreK. For more information and pricing visit East West Math or click on the link below: